Timmeh Livingston’s Garage Gym

Timmeh has been collecting vintage weights for about four and a half years in midwestern Ohio. I first started following Timmeh on Instagram when he astounded me with his hub lifts. You’ll notice almost all of his deep dish weight plates have chalk around the hubs! He began his home gym journey as a 13 year old, setting up a gym in his parents’ garage. After some time lifting in an apartment, he now has his own house and garage gym. I usually see him performing amazing grip feats of strength on Instagram, but then, almost nonchalantly, he posts conventional lifts with an array of vintage weights. His gym is much larger than I initially thought, and I’m thrilled to learn more about him and his weights!

What were the first older/vintage weights or equipment you acquired?

The first vintage weights I acquired was actually a pair of york 3rd gen deepdish 45s, a guy that I knew was a reseller of weights and he told me he got his hands on a pair of deepdish 45s. Went there the same day to pick them up. Great price of $400 and this was only around 2018.

Why do you use vintage weights? Why not buy everything new?

I love a lot of the deepdish plates just the way they look and feel. I’m also a big fan of the old school globe Dumbbells, they just don’t make dumbbells like they used too!

What are the most used vintage weights in your home gym?

My most used vintage weights I would say would be a mixture of the deepdish 3rd gen yorks, deepdish Ben’s, deepdish Marcy deepdish, and international deepdish. I use these ones quite often but use all the different style plates I have.

What is a favorite vintage item in your home gym?

I really like my York deepdish 35s. I found these on Facebook marketplace and they were a few hours away from me. The 35s as many know are harder to find then the 45s, so I think the rarity helps me like them even more… lol. So I haven’t done anything to clean them up even though they could use a clean up. I have restored other weights I just didn’t want to hurt these plates in any way so I havnt attempted it yet.

You can invite one strength sport related person and/or athlete to lift with you in your home gym for a day. Who's stopping by?

Jon Call (Jujimufu). He’s a lot of fun to watch in his videos especially when he was into grip so thats who I would have over.

What is your most frequent method for finding and buying vintage weights?

Facebook marketplace, Craigslist and local weight resellers. Also finding connections in some of the Facebook groups.

Jon Call (Jujimufu)

Do you have any advice for someone interested in starting to find and buy vintage weights?

Get connections ! Join the Facebook groups and learn as much as possible before buying anything vintage.

Do you have any other hobbies?

Hobbies? I’m an outdoors person when I can be, I love tent camping in woods and such. I enjoy shorter hikes and going to parks.

Do you have anything you're currently in search of? A dream find?

I really would like a pair of York bun 9s and 12s (not the roundheads), those are the only 2 bun sizes of yorks I’m still missing.

What role do vintage weights play in your grip strength training?

I use vintage weights all the time for grip. My favorite grip lift is hub lifts and old school plates all have nice hubs on them. I also use them for pinching them together (smooth sides out). When I load the deepdish plates on a loading pin I just can’t get over the look!

Is there anything else you'd like to say/include for the readers?

Have fun collecting and don’t let it stress you out or anything! You will find vintage weights, they are all over the place. Some are rare and some are easy to obtain and that’s what makes it fun.


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