Mike Sousa
Vintage Home Gym Archive - Entry #1
Mike Sousa of Modesto, California began his home gym, BrickHouse Strength & Conditioning, in the garage. It quickly grew to a larger space to include an outdoor area built by Sousa and his father in law. Of his 7 years owning a home gym, Sousa collected vintage weights casually for 5 years and has become serious about the pursuit over the last 6 months. He is a Senior Instructor at StrongFirst - The School of Strength teaching workshops in kettlebell, barbell, and bodyweight training. Sousa was kind enough to be the first entry in the Vintage Home Gym Archive. In addition to the Q&A, he has provided a video tour, which can be located at the bottom of this page.
What were the first older/vintage weights or equipment you acquired?
I have a Mercury Athletic Scale penny Arcade Grip test machine from the 1950's (pictured). It was my Grandpa's for many years until one day he gave it to me.
Why do you use vintage weights? Why not buy everything new?
I have many new pieces of equipment; good equipment is important to use no matter how new or old it is. But once you start developing a legit hobby/ career and start getting to know the history of set hobby/ career, you realize the importance of keeping the history alive. Old weights have a story from the great lifters before us and companies that started an industry. Not to mention they look very cool and have a certain ora about them when you lift with them. It is also a much cooler hobby then collecting stamps.

What are the most used vintage weights in your home gym?
My plates- all of them, but I use all my equipment.
What is a favorite vintage item in your home gym?
Right now it would have to be my 405lb of BFCO deep dish - 6x 45, 2x 35, 2x 10 (pictured). They have been acquired/pieced with 4 total deals. I drove 2 hours one way to get one pair and found most of them in my home town just down the street (luckily). I also made a couple deals to get my last pair. They were very rusty so I gave them an OA (Oxalic Acid) bath then just added 3 in 1 oil.
You can invite one strength sport related person and/or athlete to lift with you in your home gym for a day. Who's stopping by?
Arnold Schwarzenegger
What is your most frequent method for finding and buying vintage weights?
Facebook marketplace is the most reliable for me. Then Craigslist. Then OfferUp.
Do you have any advice for someone interested in starting to find and buy vintage weights?
Make sure you enjoy it and give back when you can. It is a very fun hobby and the community has been awesome to be a part of.
Do you have any other hobbies?
I am a die hard 49er fan and huge metalhead!
Do you have anything you're currently in search of?
I would like to have a full west coast collection of plates. But mainly a vast collection of any vintage strength relics I can get my hand on.
Marcy Co. Olympic Weight Plates including the sought after 2.5 pound pair
Do you have a dream find?
Zuver’s Gym Posters and Stickers
Is there anything else you'd like to say/include for the readers?
Repeat until strong!
Mike Sousa can be found on Instagram as @SousaStrong. Information about his kettlebell, barbell, and bodyweight workshops may be found at StrongFirst.