Supplies for Part 1 - Purchasing through the links helps the website. Thank you!

Plastic Sheeting

Protective Gloves, Glasses, and Mask

Citristrip Gel

Small Paint Brush

Bucket or bin big enough to submerge the weight

Plastic Putty Knife, Metal Putty Knife

Wire Brush Set

Old Towel

Baking Soda

Spray Bottle

Part 1 - Strip Your Weights to Bare Iron

If you’ve made the decision to paint your weights, then do it right. Strip them to bare iron before painting. Supplies are linked throughout and a list appears under the video.


Step 1: Find a well ventilated area. Outdoors is best. At the very least, open windows and/or doors if you are working in your garage or basement.

Step 2: Find enough cardboard or use plastic sheeting to protect your flooring or lawn.

Step 3: Wear protective gloves, glasses, and mask. Use your Citristrip product of choice. I like the Citristrip gel the best. Apply the gel by putting a small portion into a paper/plastic cup or bowl and then paint it on with a small paint brush.

Step 4: Set a timer for 30 minutes. While waiting, fill a bucket or bin with water that is big enough to submerge the weight you are working on.

Step 5: After 30 minutes, use the plastic putty knife to scrape as much of the gel and gunk off of the weight. Then scrub with a wire brush.

Step 6: Submerge in water and wash off the remaining gel/gunk. As you scrub your rubber protective gloves against the weight, you’ll notice that it will initially be slippery, but as the gel is washed free, the weight will be less slippery.

Step 7: Dry and inspect. If there is remaining paint to be stripped off, then apply a second round of gel. If the paint is stripped off, proceed to the last step.

Step 8: Spray with a baking soda solution. I use 1 tsp of baking soda in a 32oz spray bottle of water. Dry and proceed to Part 2.

Supplies for Part 2 - Purchasing through the links helps the website. Thank you!

Protective Gloves, Glasses, and Mask

Plastic Sheeting

Painters Triangles

Spray Paint or Clear Coat of choice; I suggest a 2in1 paint and primer such as Rustoleum 2x

Wire Brush Set

Part 2 - Oil, Clear Coat, or Paint

Now that the weights are stripped to bare iron, you need to decide on one of three paths. Do you want to oil, paint, or clear coat them?

To oil, just apply 3inOne oil, wait a day, wipe it clean with a microfiber cloth, wait another day, and wipe again.

To paint or clear coat, follow these directions and make sure to have the correct supplies.


*For both paint and clear coat applications

Step 1: Find an area outdoors preferably that errant spray paint won’t harm cars, houses, sheds, etc. Spread out cardboard or plastic sheeting and weigh down with rocks or weights if necessary. If clear coating, you may find it helpful to do a quick pass with a wire brush or wheel prior to clear coating.

Step 2: Place weights on painters triangles. 10 pound and less weight plates sit nicely with a painters triangle in their center hole. Multiple triangles may be used to prop up 25 pound and larger plates. Depending on the shape of dumbbells, I’ve also propped them on painters triangles.

Step 3: Use protective gloves, glasses, and mask. Spray about a foot and a half away with slow even passes. Don’t worry if there are uneven spots. It’s just the first coat.

Step 4: Wait until completely dry. Apply second coat.

Step 5: Flip and repeat. It is vital to wait until completely dry each time. Apply at least two coats.

Step 6: Once completely dry, use a wire brush and brush the inside of the center hole if painting weight plates. This will keep paint/clear coat from coming off on your barbell.

Sources: A fellow weight collector who prefers to remain anonymous shared the idea of painters triangles for soaking weights and I repurposed them for this project as well. The collector also shared the idea of wire brushing the center hole of the weight plates when finished. You know who you are… thank you!

CAUTION: These directions, pictures, and videos are intended for inspiration only. There is an inherent risk to using the tools and materials featured on this website. Do so at your own risk. Safety gear such as gloves, mask, and eye protection is highly recommended.


How to Clean Weight Plates with Oil


How to Use Oxalic Acid to Remove Rust and Retain Original Paint